
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Kettlebell Hell!!

I have so far done two kettlebell classes, class number three is awaiting me tonight.
If you don't know what kettlebell's are this YouTube video will give you a little bit of an insight into what kind of moves you can be expected to do in a kettlebell fitness class.

This class is supposed to be really good for toning and calorie burning all at once! While you're doing the class you can really feel it working! It gives you jelly legs, burning muscles and gets your heart rate up, but the time when you feel it the most is the next day! Walking up and down stairs is a killer, trying to get up from a chair was a struggle not to mention twisting to the side and feeling how sore your oblique's are, OMG! 
4KG & 2KG Kettlebells
I made a mistake the first week and used the 4KG kettlebell throughout the full class and from someone who doesn't do any weights, that was extremely hard! This week I used both a 4KG and a small 2KG, which meant I could do some of the hard moves a little easier, but more importantly safer, without putting too much stress on my lower back and other joints!
I know that having a good all round varied exercise routine is key to getting fitter and keeping more motivated! Adding this new kettlebell class to my routine is just another way of helping me get a more all round varied approach to exercise.
Please spare a thought for me tonight knowing I'll be kettlebelling my little heart out!

On a side note... I just thought I'd share this link to some naughty vegetables with you from the people over at the Organic Authority.
I actually laughed out loud at the chilli that has the number one spot!! :D

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