
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Kettlebell Hell!!

I have so far done two kettlebell classes, class number three is awaiting me tonight.
If you don't know what kettlebell's are this YouTube video will give you a little bit of an insight into what kind of moves you can be expected to do in a kettlebell fitness class.

This class is supposed to be really good for toning and calorie burning all at once! While you're doing the class you can really feel it working! It gives you jelly legs, burning muscles and gets your heart rate up, but the time when you feel it the most is the next day! Walking up and down stairs is a killer, trying to get up from a chair was a struggle not to mention twisting to the side and feeling how sore your oblique's are, OMG! 
4KG & 2KG Kettlebells
I made a mistake the first week and used the 4KG kettlebell throughout the full class and from someone who doesn't do any weights, that was extremely hard! This week I used both a 4KG and a small 2KG, which meant I could do some of the hard moves a little easier, but more importantly safer, without putting too much stress on my lower back and other joints!
I know that having a good all round varied exercise routine is key to getting fitter and keeping more motivated! Adding this new kettlebell class to my routine is just another way of helping me get a more all round varied approach to exercise.
Please spare a thought for me tonight knowing I'll be kettlebelling my little heart out!

On a side note... I just thought I'd share this link to some naughty vegetables with you from the people over at the Organic Authority.
I actually laughed out loud at the chilli that has the number one spot!! :D

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Weekend Fashion buys

It's coming into the colder months and I've been struggling to top off my outfits with the jackets I have in my wardrobe! I have a few proper winter jackets for when the really cold weather hits but I've been thinking that a nice black jacket for the transition between autumn and winter that will go with most outfits would be perfect.
I have been looking for a while and couldn't see anything that I really liked! But this weekend I found 2 that I couldn't pick between!! 
Just like busses, eh?

Easy answer was... buy both!

So I came home with a big smile on my face with two big bags! :D

Here are my new buys...

 Abandon Amilia Jacket, USC

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I have been thinking of getting a jacket of this style since last year, but by the time I got round to looking for one it was far too cold to get a lightweight jacket and I ended up buying a nice trendy ski jacket instead, which I wore all the time it was so cold here last winter.

My next buy was also from USC (which is strange, as it's a shop I hardly ever go into) I figured this would be a nice funky topper for the little summer dresses that I've been wearing, instead of putting them to the back of the wardrobe till next year! It's a bit different to most leather jackets as part of the arms are a stretchy cord style, which gives a different look to it. It also feels a bit more comfortable and less rigid in the sleeves that other leather jackets I've had.

Abandon Biker Jacket

I'm officially skint now, and doubt I'll be buying anymore clothes for this month!
Just counting down the days to payday as I've found a new shoe website that I'm looking forward to finding some bargains on! Check it out

Sunday 11 September 2011

Cold, Windy & Miserable Sunday!

I find that the weather has a direct link to the amount of get up and go I have! My ability to do something productive dwindles as the colder and wetter the weather becomes! I'm pretty sure it’s not just me! Please tell me the cold rain put’s a dampener (bad pun, I know!) on your day too!?

To help me get motivated this week I treated myself to a nice new pair of running shoes! As a little well done for completing my first 10k last Sunday!

How could I not when the guy’s at Run For It gave everyone who took park in the Great Scottish Run a 15% discount! I mean it would just be rude not to!

I’ve been running in a neutral pair of Asics for the last 9 months and they have felt fine for me so I thought I would be getting another neutral shoe, but they fitted me out a pair of Brooks Adrenalines support trainers. They said I have a pretty flat foot, with a low arch and I over-pronate so I had to get a support shoe to help with this. I also left with a size 4.5, even through I thought I was a size 3! I've been wearing a size and a half smaller than I should have for my running shoes! Oops! Glad I eventually went and got professional advice!

They also showed me a new way of tying up my laces so my trainers would feel more 
secure on my feet. Here’s a breakdown of how I do it if you’re interested!

I did a couple of miles on the “dreadmill” on Tuesday in the gym and they felt fine.  So on Thursday I took them out and about and did 3 miles with my friend round Strathclyde County Park. They felt good for the first 2 miles, but after the 3rd I stopped to walk a bit as my shins were hurting a little! Maybe they need broken into slowly, so my legs get used to something stopping them from moving the way they want to when running! 

Check out my break down of my run. I was taking my time and going pretty slowly.

Any tips on how to keep motivated during the cold winter months?